In this slow-burn suspense thriller, two strangers show up at a remote cottage claiming to have spent their childhood summers there. However, their behavior seems to be driven by something more sinister than nostalgia… With razor-tense writing from Grayson Moore & Aidan Shipley (Cardinals) and haunting performances from Zoie Palmer (Lost Girl, Devil), Ari Millen (Orphan Black), Christine Horne (The Captive), and Nicholas Campbell (Black Mirror, Naked Lunch), Deerbrook is a nail-biting exercise in suspense that was a world premiere at AFI Fest 2017. Produced by Cameron MacLaren in association with Combo Bravo’s Jon Riera and Connor Illsley.

Nominated - Slatix Sitges Cocoon - Best VR Experience 
Official Selection - Sitges Cocoon 2018
Official Selection - FIVARS 2018
Official Selection - AFI Tech Showcase 2017 
Official Selection - Atlanta Film Festival 2017

The film can be streamed for all major VR headset platforms through Dark Corner
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